What’s New


I’m planning to show my great-grandchildren how to barefoot water ski on the Hudson River in my back yard when I’m 95 years old!

Interested in why I think I’ll be able to accomplish that? Answer:  Eat Well, Move Well, Think Well!

Every Choice you make puts you on a PATH!
Every PATH has a pre-determined DESTINATION!
We offer you the ability to make a U-Turn, or one day

The PATH is a fundamental TRUTH!
You can CHOOSE to Obey it, or IGNORE it!



Order Your Copy Now!

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THE DAY HAS COME!!!  I had no idea how long 72 hours takes… when you’re waiting…  Well- I guess I’ve waited for a lot of things in my life…  Babies, degrees, licenses…  It’s a long list!


Here’s where our story started:

In 1895, Dr. D.D. Palmer used his knowledge of the human body to reason out a way to help restore normal function to a janitor who had suffered a problem after a mechanical injury.  By listening carefully to the man’s story, Dr. Palmer was able to “see” a possibility to correct the cause of the symptoms.  He gave action to his thought, and the symptoms were relieved!  A new way of applying the art of healing was born!

It reads like this:

Our goal is to help the body regain normal function using all the natural healing arts techniques available to us.  Getting the most complete picture of how it’s working now is what helps us get there the fastest.

 There are lots of pictures and easy to understand stories in every day language:

It makes the journey back to health an exciting adventure!  Like Forest Gump’s box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get…  As we guide our patients through this wonderful experience, we are continually amazed on a daily basis by what the body can do when it’s given a little boost in the right direction.

When it’s given the fuel (food) to help it run smoothly, and the operator (YOU) gives it permission to heal, indeed, EXPECTS it to heal, it does!  Just remember: we can’t do it FOR you…  we do it WITH you!  You must be a willing and helpful partner with us in this voyage!

Patients used to ask me if it was OK if they recorded their visits.  I’m not sure they ever listened to it..  I hope this is a better option, and that you enjoy reading it as much as I have enjoyed writing it!

 Dr Hogan

If you knew you’d live to be 100, how would you change your life?

Centenarians are one of the fastest-growing segments of the population, and we’re far more likely to reach this milestone today than ever before.

Health and wellness expert Dr. Eric Plasker has written The 100 Year Lifestyle, a book that reveals the secrets to making the most of this extended lifespan and living it to the fullest. Statistics tell us that only 30 percent of aging is based on your genetics while 70 percent is attributed to lifestyle choices. In Dr. Plasker’s breakthrough book The 100 Year Lifestyle is the answer to embracing this journey healthy and financially sound. Dr. Plasker’s comprehensive wellness system will add years to your life and life to your years.

“Everyone deserves to be healthy and express their full potential, from the time they are born through their last breath  of life.”

Dr. Eric Plasker, as seen on CNN, CBS, ABC and TBS, Movie and a Makeover

We have recently begun to offer SomaEnergetics Energy Vitality Techniques to our treatment modalities!
Come and see how this adds to your, “TUNE UP”!


More Info

Dr Hogan has continued to further his knowledge and experience with a varied and often very exciting program of seminars and chiropractic events.

The Parker Seminars have been a significant source of clinical and philosophical enrichment.  We met John Grey (Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus)  , and Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup For The Soul ) the first year (2009).

We saw Dr. Gilles LaMarche in March 2010 at the NYSCA Convention at the Mohican Sun, and enjoyed him so much we went up to Montreal for more Parker Seminars that summer.

We studied with Dr. Stuart White, a brilliant nutritionist from Texas (April 2010). 

We studied some exciting new work with Dr. Harvey Lang in Brooklyn involving autoimmune conditions, truly the forefront of chiropractic education and research (October 2010). 

In August of 2011, we were in Manhattan for a two-day intensive seminar all about the thyroid and other autoimmune functional disorders. 

This January (2012) at the Parker Seminars our whole staff attended!  We met Louise Hay, one of the most inspirational speakers and thinkers of our times, and publisher for Wayne Dyer, Carolyn Myss, Maryanne Williamson,  The list goes on…

Some of the most brilliant minds in Chiropractic are regular speakers at the Parker Seminars.  Dr. Jim Sigafoose, always a fascinating outlook on life, continues to inspire and educate.  Dr. James Chestnut, who gets my personal vote for the most knowledgeable and listener-friendly speaker in Chiropractic today presented his most recent book and insights on how to live life to the fullest.  Dr. Patrick Gentempo, there are so many it’s hard to list them all!